Your Office 365 account password has been reset to [Insert password here] (case-sensitive).

To view your email, you have two options:

  • Option 1: Outlook app
  • Option 2: Apple's built-in mail client (most popular)
    ** Apple's mail client is included on all iOS mobile devices by default **

Option 1: Outlook app

Double-tap the home button on your iPad and swipe "up" on the Outlook app to close it (if it's open). Reopen and you should get prompted (near the bottom) to enter your new password. If you do not currently have the Outlook app installed on your SIE-issued iPad and want to use this app instead of the built-in "Mail" app (see below), please email with the Subject Line "install Outlook app on my device".

Option 2: Apple's "Mail" app (most popular)

  1. From the iPad home screen, tap the “Settings” icon (gear wheel)
  2. See the specific iOS version below and follow the steps
    ** FYI – to identify the iOS version: Settings > General > under the “About” section you will see the Software Version listed **
    • iOS 13.x (or previous): Tap Passwords & Accounts - go to step #3
    • iOS 14.x (or later): Tap Mail, then tap Accounts - go to step #3
  3. Tap “Add Account”
  4. Tap “Microsoft Exchange”
  5. Enter your email address, tap “Next”
    ** if you receive an error message stating you cannot create an account because an identical Exchange account already exists, skip to step 9 **
  6. Tap “Sign in”
  7. Enter your Exchange/Microsoft Office 365 password (provided above)
  8. Accept all defaults and click "Save" to complete the process
  9. Go to your main screen on your iPad and tap the "mail" (envelope) icon located on the bottom menu.

    ** if you do not see the "Mail" app, go to the App Store and download it again **
  10. Once your mail opens, send yourself a test email and verify you receive it.

Note: It may be a good idea to document the password provided above, you will need it again when it's time to reset your password in 60 days. If you prefer to change this password to something you will remember before the 60-day mark, you will need to wait at least 24 hours from now to change your password above to something you prefer. See the "Optional" section below for instructions.

OPTIONAL: After 24 hours, to change the default password (above) to something different, follow the steps below:

  1. From your iPad, tap the “Change Password” icon (or go to
  2. Enter your email address (if prompted, choose "Work or school account")
  3. Enter your current password (provide above)
  4. Tap "Settings" – "gear wheel" or three dots "..." icon in the upper right corner)
  5. Tap "Change your password"
  6. Enter your old/current password, then create a new password
  7. Tap "Submit"
  8. After resetting your password, you will be prompted to re-enter the NEW password again
  9. Tap the "Mail" icon pinned to the quick access bar at the bottom of your screen (do not skip this step)
  10. Send yourself a test email

For future reference, instructions for resetting your password can be found in your Meraki app.

  1. Click the Meraki "SM" app on your iPad
  2. Tap "Backpack" at the bottom of the screen
  3. If you don't see any documents listed, from the left side of the screen, swipe "right" to display a list of helpful PDF documents.
  4. Tap on the Reset SIE Password (iPad) document to view the instructions for resetting your password.

Please contact the helpdesk at or 704-971-2714 with any questions.