Attn: Technicians

Service Logistics is still working to solve the Pending Verification status, it seems to be a loss of signal to the cloud at some point during the transaction. Please, review your tablet every morning for “Pending Verification” work orders and follow the steps below if any are still visible.

Please keep in mind, no one at Southeast can fix the "Pending Verification" status, it can only be cleared out by the Service Logistics support team. When you have those Pending Verification (or another Instabug worthy issue), please follow these steps:

  1. Tap the orange antenna in the upper right-hand corner of Service Logistics
  2. In the left column select Diagnostic Center
  3. On the right side, tap Send Data
  4. You’ll receive a pop-up alert when the transfer begins and ends
  5. Until you receive the pop up indicating that the transfer has completed, please DO NOT use the power button to turn off your screen or let it go to sleep
  6. Shake the tablet
  7. Click Report an Issue
  8. Draw a circle around the issue and tap the arrow in the upper right-hand corner of service logistics
  9. Enter your email address and state the issue (i.e., Pending Verification). Be sure to also state that you have done the "Send Data" process and it confirmed it was done.
    *Note: sending data in advance to Service Logistics typically assists in speeding up the solution process
  10. Again, please DO NOT use the power button to turn off your screen or allow the tablet to go into sleep mode for at least 5 minutes